What are you giving your energy to?

What are your thoughts?

Where are you dwelling in your mental and emotional space?

Are you in a constant state of worry or negative thinking?

In other words, what are you giving your energy to?

what are you giving your energy to?

That which you feed grows.

I should know. I’m a consummate worrier, and when I was living in a perpetual state of exhaustion, I only served to feed it with the energy I was sending to those worried thoughts. In my case, I also voiced many of those thoughts often, saying the same thing repeatedly.

I’ve discovered that, to work through it, one does need to let these thoughts and worries happen. This is the reality of where your mind is at the moment, and the emotional angst you’re feeling is real.

What I want you to do is become conscious of these moments. Start a practice every day where you give yourself permission to dwell on your worries. Sit with them. Feel them without editing. Let them bubble up and flow where they will without self-recrimination.

Time your session to 10 minutes at most to start. Decrease the session frequency and time limit over time.

Then we must make conscious and repeated efforts to send our energy elsewhere.

Immediately after your session of allowing emotion to bubble up, take 3 deep breaths. Drink a glass of water. Move your body a little. Look out the window for a few minutes and empty your mind the best you can.white window - Melody Jones author website

Now set your timer for 15 minutes and start writing down everything that you can think of that is positive, that you have gratitude for, and do not stop writing that entire time.

Start with simple things if needed like how blue the sky is, how much you love watermelon in the summer, your favorite paint color, literally anything that you love and gives you joy and you have gratitude for.

Keep your pen to the paper and let it flow.

Gratitude is one of the ways we can redirect that energy, and it takes conscious diligence and practice to make it happen.

Schedule these sessions in your planner or on your calendar and keep these appointments with yourself the same way you do bathing or eating meals. Every. Day.

What is your gratitude for today?

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About MelodyJones

Melody Jones is your Writing & Creativity Coach. She's also a writer and published author, poet, crafter and artist, coffee enthusiast, lover of beagles, Colorado native, and a mountain girl.