Online Writer Groups

Welcome to my online writer and writing groups, for when you can’t get to Colorado (but seriously, when CAN you get here?).

Whack-a-Goal Online: Accountability Group for Writers

Have you ever set a writing goal – or 50 – and then never completed that goal? A great way to maintain focus on your writing goals, keep your motivation going, and see real progress in your writing life is to work with motivated fellow writers in an accountability group.

We use a variety of accountability tools to keep ourselves and each other on track – gently.

Melody hosts this group on Zoom Thursday mornings from 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mountain Time. Each group session is four weeks long, and we kick butt! Click here for detailed information and to sign up.

Coming soon: Butt in Seat Writing Groups – Online

Butt in Seat Writing Group with Melody JonesDoes the writing muse refuse to visit you? Feeling as if writer’s block is that unwelcome houseguest that never leaves and eats all the ice cream?

It’s time to get your butt in a seat and write. 

Join me for monthly 4-week intensives where we work on a particular focus in live weekly video meetings.

You’ll have writing assignments to complete. We have mid-week accountability check-ins along the way to keep you tight and focused. Plus all paid registrants receive my bonus 90 Writing Prompts packet.

Currently working on 2023 sessions. Check back!

Thank you! I am truly excited to get to know you and help with your writing progress in these online writing groups.

In case you do want to come to Colorado, check out my Creativity Retreat for Writers page for the latest retreat information.

Melody Jones Writing and Creativity CoachMelody Jones author, Creator of Butt in Seat Online Writing Groups