My Services

I help writers and authors save time, tap into their creative core, build and maintain a writing practice, and connect with fellow writers.

And I do this in a variety of ways. I LOVE working with fellow writers and authors!

My current services and offerings for writers and authors are listed below (and linked to corresponding detailed pages). I’m also developing additional programs to support your writing journey, so watch this page for updates.

Social Media Graphics for Writers and Authors

No time or desire to design your own graphics for social media or your website? Don’t know how, and don’t want the learning curve?

I’ve worked with writers and authors in the social media space since 2010, and I am here to take your pain away! Click this link for my latest specials and offerings.

Newsletter Design and Management

Want to send a newsletter to your fans and followers, but don’t want to design, format, and manage the publishing side of newsletters? Perhaps you need someone to do the writing itself, or design the graphics needed for a truly inspirational and engaging newsletter. Check out my services here. [COMING SOON]

Proofreading Services

Have you ever noticed that the more you work on a written piece, the less you can see?  Our minds know what we meant and eventually, you won’t be able to see your own grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors because your mind fills it in. I can be your second set of proofreading eyes. I’ll delve into the details of my proofreading services for writers soon! [COMING SOON]

Build and Maintain Your Writing Practice

At the time of this writing, I’ve posted a number of blog posts with writing prompts to get you going. I plan to add additional posts over time that will help writers tap into their creative core more deeply along with suggestions and bits of wisdom on the art and practice of writing.

Writer Chicks Coffee Cub – Grand Junction, Colorado

Want a chance to connect with fellow writers? Join us for my weekly drop-in group Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:30 am in the Vault Room at Main Street Bagels in downtown Grand Junction. Coffee, community, camaraderie – and conversation on tons of topics, including all things writing! Ladies only. Note: this is primarily a social group for connection, and attendees are also encouraged to bring written pieces to read. We are not a critique group.

Watch this space for updates.