May Writing Prompts

Welcome to writing prompts for May.

May Writing Prompts by Melody Jones, authorCan you believe summer is just around the corner? For some of us, May is already summer-like and for some, well…sure hope that colder weather moves along soon for you!

As always, I advocate for writing by hand. You tap into your brain and body in a different way when working with the pen directly. It makes you slow down a little, and it allows for some creativity in making letters and words.

Writing by hand is writing straight from the heart.

Here are your May writing prompts.

  • Would you rather spend 10 hours in a car, on a plane, or on a train? Why?
  • What do you think the secret to a long life is?
  • This is always a fun one: if you could pick the ability to fly or the ability to be invisible, which would you choose and why?
  • Describe your favorite May flowers in exquisite detail.
  • Have you ever been camping? Why or why not?

Have fun with these writing prompts!

Writing every day will help you develop a solid writing foundation.

Love to write? Want to write? Know you should be writing right now?

Time to check out Whack-a-Goal Online: Accountability Group for Writers!

Nothing like group energy to keep you moving, keep you writing, keep you on track.


We’ve got your back.


Melody Jones, Writing and Creativity Coach


About MelodyJones

Melody Jones is your Writing & Creativity Coach. She's also a writer and published author, poet, crafter and artist, coffee enthusiast, lover of beagles, Colorado native, and a mountain girl.