Daily October Writing Prompts

Do you ever feel paralyzed by the blank page? We’ve all been there!

Daily October Writing PromptsOne way to help yourself put pen to paper is to use writing prompts as a place to start. This is a perfect way to get into a daily writing practice. You may even be inspired to move on to other writing projects.

As you know (or maybe you don’t!), I advocate writing by hand anytime you are doing free writing or warmup writing, so these daily October writing prompts fit the bill.

In honor of the fall season, grab a warm beverage, your favorite writing instrument, and a notebook or journal and complete each of these daily writing prompts in the month of October.

For best outcomes, schedule these daily writing sessions into your calendar so you are less tempted to skip.

  • October 1: Take a minute to reflect on the month of October. What images, feelings, and thoughts does it evoke? Write for at least 10 minutes.
  • October 2: How do your food and beverage choices change in October? Write about your favorites.
  • October 3: Do you have any traditions in October? Write about these. If there are no traditions, write about one you could start.
  • October 4: What colors do you associate with the month of October?
  • October 5: Use all the following words in your writing today: falling leaves, cool nights, my favorite jacket.
  • October 6: Do you like foods made with pumpkin? Why or why not?
  • October 7: Write about your favorite childhood memory of October, or the fall season.
  • October 8: Where is your favorite place to view fall foliage and why?
  • October 9: I love/hate October because _______________.
  • October 10: October is apple season in many areas. What types of apples do you love? Do you make apple foods and drinks? Write about all things apple.
  • October 11: Many areas celebrate the change in season with fun fall activities. Write about your favorites!
  • October 12: What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child and why?
  • October 13: What Halloween costume did you wear as a child that you really did not like and why?
  • October 14: Apple cider vs. hot chocolate.
  • October 15: Imagine you are a Jack-o-Lantern sitting on the front porch from today through November 1. What do you see?
  • October 16: Write three gratitudes you have today and expand on each in great detail.
  • October 17: Who is your favorite Halloween movie or book character and why?
  • October 18: Imagine one year into the future. What will you be doing? What has changed? What is the same?
  • October 19: Write a series of sentences beginning with each letter in October.
  • October 20: Create a haiku about October in the 5-7-5 format. Haiku traditionally relates to nature.
  • October 21: What types of masks do people wear? (Examples might be stoicism, jocularity, perfection). Write about why this might be.
  • October 22: Have you ever been to a haunted attraction or a corn maze? Write about these experiences, or how you imagine them to be.
  • October 23: Do you put out fall or Halloween decorations? Why or why not?
  • October 24: Write down three of your own October writing prompts. Now choose one and expand on it.
  • October 25: Thanksgiving is a month away. Are you one who plans early, like now, or last minute for it?
  • October 26: What has been your best adult Halloween costume and why?
  • October 27: Halloween candy: mini candy bars vs. full-size candy bars.
  • October 28: Candy corn: yea or nay? Why?
  • October 29: Write about what you’ve learned so far with these daily October writing prompts. Have you completed every day? Is it easier to write now than in the beginning?
  • October 30: Write three gratitudes you have for the month of October. Include as much detail as you can.
  • October 31: Happy Halloween! Write about how you are or are not celebrating.

Happy writing! Thank you for reading Daily October Writing Prompts.

Melody Jones, Writing and Creativity Coach


Melody Jones

About MelodyJones

Melody Jones is your Writing & Creativity Coach. She's also a writer and published author, poet, crafter and artist, coffee enthusiast, lover of beagles, Colorado native, and a mountain girl.