September Writing Prompts

Well hello there, and welcome to September, the month that moves from ‘very summer’ to ‘wow, it’s fall’ in 30 days.

At the time of this writing, we’ve had several 100-degree days with a predicted high of 103 tomorrow, so getting into an autumn frame of mind is not supported by my environment at all!

That’s a perfect segue for discussing moving into a writing mindset for the new month. Mindset and environment have great impact on getting into flow with our words.

I find that writing prompts can help move me from a less focused or prepared mindset into writing mode. I recommend that you write by hand for these exercises. Check out these suggested writing prompts for the month of September.

September Writing Prompts

  • Take time to reflect on September a year ago. What has changed since then? Remained the same? What else?
  • One way to change or bolster mindset it is to move into a space of gratitude. Write down three things you have gratitude for right this minute. Now write a full paragraph about each item. And finally, read each one out loud. (Yes! Don’t skip this step!)
  • What I love most about myself is…
  • Use these words in a timed 10-minute writing session: apples,  simplicity, function, and ripple.
  • That old wisdom of writing out what you want included in your obituary does have a certain value, morbid though it seems at first. The value this exercise has is that it helps you focus on your current life and may help you discover if there are things you’d like to make happen, create, or change. So go ahead, write a 300-word obituary about yourself.

That’s it for this month. See you next time.


p.s. Did I mention how delighted I was to win first place in the Mesa County Library Poetry Contest in May 2022? Such a lovely and unexpected surprise! Here’s the link to my poem.

About MelodyJones

Melody Jones is your Writing & Creativity Coach. She's also a writer and published author, poet, crafter and artist, coffee enthusiast, lover of beagles, Colorado native, and a mountain girl.